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“Thanks to your advice, I have just passed REG with a 78, with only Ninja. This concludes my CPA exam journey. I got all 4 passes ONLY through Ninja. The MCQ, your notes, and NINJA Book are so well designed that I passed all the CPA exams within a short time. I wish to express my gratitude to Ninja, you, and your team. I really enjoyed studying with Ninja a lot.” – Steve C.

NINJA Book is the leanest (and meanest) CPA Review Book.

All Killer / No Filler. Nail the Concepts without wasting weeks studying CPA Exam topics that aren’t even tested.

Integrate the NINJA CPA Books into your CPA Study Plan, print them out, or load them onto your favorite reading device.

NINJA Book includes:

  • FAR – 790 pages
  • AUD – 597 pages
  • REG – 537 pages
  • BAR – 793 pages
  • TCP – 346 pages
  • ISC – 319 pages

NINJA Book is full of examples and application questions that won't bore you to death or cause you to second-guess your career choice as a Certified Public Accountant.

NINJA Book has 3,382 pages, making it one of the largest CPA Review Books on the market.

NINJA Book is included in both Study Paths for $67 monthly.