So You Want To Pass The CPA Exam Using NINJA As A Supplement. That Is A Great Choice And Here Is Why…
From Supplement To Full Course, A Timeline
While NINJA is a complete CPA Review course it is also the #1 supplement provider and has been for a very long time (15 years and counting).
It all started in 2010 with our Study Planner and Progress Tracker, and since then, with feedback from tens of thousands of CPA Candidates, we systematically added key materials to our study weapons arsenal to arm our NINJA As A Supplement customers with all they need to attack the CPA Exam with confidence and pass!
Simply put, NINJA CPA Review is the only CPA Review Course made by CPA Candidates for CPA Candidates.
The Perfect CPA Study Boost, Without Breaking the Bank
NINJA was created by Jeff Elliott, CPA in 2009, shortly after he left his CPA Candidate designation in the rearview mirror.
Jeff’s CPA Exam journey was rough. He spent thousands of dollars on multiple ‘complete’ CPA Review courses only to discover they were not that different, and none of them came with any sort of study plan.
With NINJA, he wanted to ensure that other candidates, like you, did not have to learn the same expensive lessons.
In 2010, the price for one of our NINJA Study Planner and Progress Trackers was $47. Today, over 15 years later, the price for NINJA Supplement is just $67 a month.
NINJA began as affordable and has stayed affordable.
Meanwhile, over that same period, top CPA Exam Review providers have gone from a retail price of $3,245 (for all four parts) to $3,499.
You Are Not Alone
The pathway to using NINJA as a supplement typically begins with one of the top CPA Exam Review providers:
- Becker CPA Review
- UWorld (Roger/Wiley) CPA Review
- Etc.
The two biggest names in the game, combined, account for about 80% of the market.
A market where 50% of their customers… FAIL?!
Therefore, based on the math, it is inevitable that large portions of their customer base need to (or want to) supplement.
If you are NOT using one of the top brands, the same math still applies.

It Takes More Than Just CPA Exam Study Materials
We are big fans of surveys.
Starting in 2018, we began asking CPA Candidates one question:
What is your single biggest challenge with the CPA Exam?
Here is what they said:
Finding Time To Study | 42% |
Motivation/Dedication/Consistency/Discipline/Focus | 20% |
Need A Study Plan/Guide | 13% |
NINJA CPA Review (as you will learn in a moment) was designed specifically to overcome, not just the top 3 challenges:
- Study Scheduling
- Study Method
- Study Planning
But every single one of them!
Is NINJA Worth It?
We get asked this question a lot by people who have already spent time, energy, and (more importantly) their hard-earned money on another course that has either not gotten the result they had hoped for, OR they fear has not prepared them enough to pass.
Here is a sample of folks that can best answer this question:
Dylan's Story
Roger + NINJA
Claire's Story
‘Other Methods' + NINJA
Erik’s Story
Becker + NINJA
Stephanie’s Story
Becker + NINJA
Asad’s Story
Becker + NINJA
Shirley’s Story
Roger + NINJA
Sonny’s Story
Becker + NINJA
Jack’s Story
Surgent + NINJA
Tristan’s Story
Becker + NINJA
The Truth Is… Everyone Supplements
As you probably already know, on average, 50% fail the CPA Exam.
The truth HURTS, and sadly, that is the unvarnished truth.
According to AICPA, the per-section numbers break down like this:
AUD: 46.3%
FAR: 40.8%
REG: 63.3%
(These are the “Core” sections using all available 2024 numbers.)
That means that if you plan to take all four sections of the CPA Exam, statistically speaking, your chances of failing are above 90%.
Certainly not a comforting thought.
When people fail once (or twice)… they supplement.
When people do not want to fail once (or twice)… they supplement.

5 CPAs Per Day!
On August 24, 2020, we started tracking the number of our “I Passed – I’m DONE!” NINJAs.
Those are CPA Exam Candidates who were leaving the Dojo because they had passed all 4 sections of the exam.
At last count, we were at 4,435.
That’s 5 CPAs per day!
Would you hate it if we helped you become one of them?
This Is Your Study Battle Plan!
We know what it takes to make the journey a success for you.
Study Weapons
As someone supplementing it starts with your current prep materials plus our Study Weapons (materials).

The sleekest, most intuitive CPA testbank on the market. We hear this over and over again. 7,000+ MCQ & 300+ Simulations.

Skim it. Read it. Study it. Re-write it. Read it some more. If it’s in the NINJA notes, you’ll see it on Exam Day.

NINJA Audio allows you to study when you otherwise couldn’t – adding 5-10 study hours/week. Gym? Car? At Work? No problem… put your headphones on and study.
There Is A Dedicated Supplemental Set Of Study Weapons For Each Section Of The Exam:

Auditing & Attestation

Financial Accounting & Reporting


Business Analysis & Reporting

Tax Compliance & Planning

Information Systems & Control
Become A N.I.N.J.A.
Up until now, you probably did not realize that NINJA is an acronym.
It spells out our proprietary Study Methodology that you employ via our Supplement Study Framework utilizing our study weapons OR your current prep materials OR both (it is up to you).


Nail the Concepts

Intense Notes

Non-Stop MCQ

Re-Write Your Notes

All Comes Together
This Short Video Explains How The NINJA Framework Works In Detail:
They Like Us, They Really Like Us!
A selection of comments from past NINJA As A Supplement customers from across the interwebs.

I highly recommend getting a month of Ninja and going through the diagnostic 250 MCQs. I did this because they have this awesome trend on the MCQ dashboard that helped me isolate where I was stuck. Plus during the effort of trying to get the trend, you will see a pattern in what questions you get stuck on. Take notes on those.

Andrea D.
Thank you Ninja for helping me pass FAR! Key to my success, will definitely use for future exams! This is my first exam, and my third attempt at FAR. I use Becker and purchased Ninja for help with my third attempt. I am forever grateful! 70, 71, and now passed with an 83! Amazing feeling. On to the next.

I’ve been there! I got a 57 on FAR then a 74 – try supplementing Becker with Ninja CPA. It’s $67 per month and you’ll have more questions and practice exams you haven’t seen before. The audio really helped me too.

Look at NINJA CPA has helped me along the way… and not crazy like most.

I used Becker in 2019 for FAR and failed. I just retook FAR in December, used only Ninja to study and passed! I like ninja a lot. I think Becker is great for sim practice, but the gaming of the mcqs in Ninja is such a motivation for me. I have to be on the leaderboard. It's too much fun. I found Becker really hard to use when it came to cram time.

Rebecca S.
80 on my REG retake!!! This girl is finished! Good luck to all of you. If I did this after being out of college for 16 years, you can do it too! And I owe every speck of it to Ninja!!!!! Jeff, thank you soooooo much!

Jimmy P.
I had originally signed-up for Becker back in the day, but for a person who can't sit still for long periods of time there was no way I was getting through all that material. A combination of NINJA audio + NINJA notes + wayyyyy too many MCQs = a NINJA only graduate. I owe you so much Jeff Elliott!

good luck! i recommend ninja cpa lol becker by itself kills the soul

Harnish P.
Thanks to Ninja, I finally passed FAR on my 5th attempt!!! Will start to study for AUD tomorrow. Anyone have advice/tips on how to go about AUD? I am using Wiley and Ninja.

I ended up supplementing with ninja- specifically the mcqs, sparring videos on my weak areas, and the audio while I was the the gym. Passed with an 85

Isha K.
Thank you ninja. Got 69 on 1st try and used ninja for my retest for 2 weeks and I passed Audit with 77. 😭😭

Marisa A.
As of today I have officially passed all 4 parts!!! Really have to give it up to NINJA and Jeff Elliott for this amazing program, once I failed FAR back in August I supplemented my Roger subscription with NINJA and passed REG + BEC first try, and AUD + FAR on my second! Good luck to all those on your journey, freedom awaits you!
Are You Ready?
We’re not going to lie and tell you it’s going to be an easy journey because, as you already know, it’s not.
You’re going to have to push your comfort zone. You’re going to have to work hard. You’re going to have to sacrifice.
This will likely be one of the most difficult tasks of your life.
But if you’re willing to do it, you can and will become a Certified Public Accountant.

Let’s Go!
The fact that we’ve guided thousands of other CPA Exam Candidates through this journey using our framework and study weapons alongside the materials from your current course provider (should you decide to use those) proves that NINJA works… if you work it.