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A complete AICPA-licensed CPA Exam Review course available exclusively as an affordable ‘Pay-As-You-Pass' monthly subscription.
That Means:
- NO High Up Front Cost
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- NO B.S. (Boring Stuff, what did you think that meant?)
Other Benefits:
Once you are a customer you can:
- Cancel on your own, at anytime, for any reason.
- Switch from one exam section to another every 30 days on demand. (Example: Start with FAR and switch to BAR).
- Upgrade option to unlock all exam sections. (Example: Start with AUD and unlock FAR, REG, BAR, TCP, and ISC).
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If you're a first-time customer, you aren't satisfied with NINJA CPA Review (for any reason), and you have a NINJA MCQ Trending Score of 75 or greater at the time of your refund request, simply let us know within the first 30 days, and we'll refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.