2024 CPA Exam Score Release Dates

cpa exam score release dates

CPA Exam Score Release Dates for the 2024 CPA Exam from the AICPA.

Includes Core Exams (FAR, REG, AUD) and Discipline Exams (TCP, ISC, and BAR) for 2024 and into 2025.

Typically, results come on the target CPA score release date.

We recommend 4-7 weeks per exam, based on your Study Path.

See Also: CPA Pass Rates

2024 Core ExamExam DateScore Release Date
FAR, AUD, REGNo Exams 1/1 to 1/9
FAR, AUD, REGJanuary 10 – March 26, 2024June 4, 2024
FAR, AUD, REGNo Exams 3/27 to 3/31
FAR, AUD, REGApril 1 – June 25, 2024July 31, 2024
FAR, AUD, REGJuly 1 – September 25, 2024October 31, 2024
FAR, AUD, REGOctober 1 – December 26, 2024January 29, 2025
2024 Discipline ExamExam DateScore Release Date
BAR, TCP, ISCNo Exams 1/1 to 1/9
BAR, TCP, ISCJanuary 10 – February 6, 2024*April 24, 2024
BAR, TCP, ISCNo Exams 2/7 to 4/19
BAR, TCP, ISCApril 20 – May 9, 2024June 28, 2024
BAR, TCP, ISCJuly 1 – July 31, 2024September 10, 2024
BAR, TCP, ISCOctober 1 – October 31, 2024December 10, 2024

Next Step: Choose your Study Path.