Get Your NINJA Study Framework Be like thousands before you who passed the CPA Exam by: Understanding how to budget your time wisely Mastering the best way to study for optimal retention Knowing exactly what you should be doing each week leading up to your exam Name* First Email* Choose Your CPA Exam Section* AUD BAR FAR REG ISC TCP Have you taken this exam section before?*Select One:Sat BeforeFirst TimeHave you taken this exam section before?*Select One:Sat BeforeFirst TimeHave you taken this exam section before?*Select One:Sat BeforeFirst TimeHave you taken this exam section before?*Select One:Sat BeforeFirst TimeHave you taken this exam section before?*Select One:Sat BeforeFirst TimeHave you taken this exam section before?*Select One:Sat BeforeFirst TimeWhen do you plan to take the CPA Exam?*Select One:1 Month2 Months3 Months4-6 Months7-12 MonthsI have no ideaWhat Is Your Primary CPA Material?*Select One:BeckerGleimNINJARogerSurgentWileyCPAexcelYaegerOtherPlease Tell Us about Your Current CPA Exam Status.What is your AUD Exam Status*Select oneNeed to PassPassedCurrently StudyingWhat is your FAR Exam Status*Select oneNeed to PassPassedCurrently StudyingWhat is your REG Exam Status*Select oneNeed to PassPassedCurrently StudyingYour Chosen Discipline or BEC Exam Status*Please select oneBECBARTCPISCWhat is your BEC Exam Status*Select oneNeed to PassPassedCurrently StudyingWhat is your BAR Exam Status*Select oneNeed to PassPassedCurrently StudyingWhat is your TCP Exam Status*Select oneNeed to PassPassedCurrently StudyingWhat is your ISC Exam Status*Select oneNeed to PassPassedCurrently StudyingPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ